The Bitaxe features the following endpoints:
example api endpoint http://bitaxe-ip/api/system/info
General Information about the Bitaxe can be gathered using the /api/system/info
which will display you with some information as follows:
"power": 58.35174560546875, "voltage": 11906.25, "current": 16281.25, "fanSpeed": 0, "temp": 58, "boardtemp1": 30, "boardtemp2": 48, "hashRate": 2372.7583341893742, "bestDiff": "4.29G", "freeHeap": 178368, "coreVoltage": 1200, "coreVoltageActual": 1194, "frequency": 525, "ssid": "Haus1", "wifiStatus": "Connected!", "sharesAccepted": 19739, "sharesRejected": 0, "uptimeSeconds": 212115, "ASICModel": "BM1366", "stratumURL": "", "stratumPort": 2018, "stratumUser": "test.hex", "version": "v2.0.7-48-ge561f60", "boardVersion": "302", "runningPartition": "factory", "flipscreen": 1, "invertscreen": 0, "invertfanpolarity": 1, "autofanspeed": 0, "fanspeed": 35}
With POST command is it possible to restart the Bitaxe:
curl -X POST http://bitaxeip/api/system/restart
The PATCH functionallity allows it to change settings on the Bitaxe.
Some settings still require a restart but changing the fanspeed can be achieve live:
curl -X PATCH http://yourbitaxe/api/system \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"fanspeed": "desired_speed_value"}'